A group of 5th through 8th graders at Rutgers Preparatory School are coming together to adopt six families who suffered losses from Hurricane Sandy.
“Our goal is not to have a holiday toy drive, but to collect the materials that are necessary for them to get back in their homes and get their lives back,” according to the iVideo produced by the 8th grade Student Council and released on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38AM0-AoniE
Each family is providing a “wish list” of items they said they needed to get through this tough time. The students have partnered with the Hurricane Sandy Adopt-A-Family charity, Spring Lake Heights, NJ, to identify the families in need. https://www.facebook.com/AdoptAFamilyHurricaneSandy?fref=ts
“The Rutgers Prep community is focused on doing all we can to helping ease the burden of rebuilding after the storm,” says Principal John Miller, “so when our students expressed their interest in adopting these families, we put our total support behind them.”
Peter Renzulli, President/CEO of Perform Account, a NJ based financial services company and one of the businesses that donated their services added, “It’s been inspiring to see the community come together and contribute in so many ways in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We’re proud to offer our services to help an affected family and business get on their feet again and to ensure they don’t fall behind on important tax and reporting requirements.
The six adopted families selected are scattered through devastated areas in Union Beach, NJ and Staten Island. The collection ends on December 21st so all families will receive their items before Christmas.