For the last year and a half Young Naturists & Nudists America (or YNA for short) has made quite an impact in the nudist world. Not only has their following been growing at a mind boggling pace, but they seem to have no problem saying what they think and feel. In an article that was just published on their website, Is Nudism Good for Children?, YNA made a compelling argument that nudism is a healthy way to raise children. But it does not end there!
The leadership of YNA are not just about running around naked and having parties. They believe they have a broader social responsibility towards their members as well as society as a whole. Recently they have published their thoughts on such issues as children and pornography, body image / self esteem , sex & sexuality, art, feminism the climate change and even Occupy Wall Street! (and the list goes on).
While mainstream America seems to be embracing this new age approach to life, YNA has been catching a lot of flak from other nudist groups and organizations. These other groups feel that there are topics that should never be discussed in a nudist setting. YNA’s approach is simple: as long as no laws are being broken, no one is getting hurt, YNA is not compromising their goals / mission, and the basic ideal of separating sexual activities from a social nude setting is being upheld, then there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.
Regardless of whether you agree with YNA or not, one thing can’t be taken away from them: if they feel that something is morally or ethically wrong, they will say something!
This summer YNA is coming out with a long list of events and activities that are geared towards people in their 20’s & 30’s and with this being an election year, I am sure we will be hearing more from this energetic young group of people!