See Our Ad That’s the Talk of the Town. Help Run it Again
WASHINGTON, DC (RUSHPRNEWS) JULY 28, 2008-Thanks to the donations of 1,930 supporters, our new anti-drilling ad ran last Thursday in the influential Capitol Hill publication Roll Call. And it’s already changing the conversation in Washington about President Bush’s proposed giveaway of America’s spectacular coasts to Big Oil.
Now we urgently need your donation to run this hard-hitting ad in The Washington Post to give it even wider exposure and have an even bigger impact on Congress.
We don’t have a moment to lose.
With President Bush selling snake oil about lower gas prices if we sacrifice our coasts to Big Oil… and members of both parties in danger of succumbing to these empty promises…Congress is on the verge of caving under the enormous pressure.
What’s at stake: Calfornia’s Big Sur…Maine’s Acadia National Park…North Carolina’s Outer Banks…Florida’s Everglades and coral reefs…and thousands of miles of cherished American seashores.
Each of these magnificent shorelines could be the scene of a catastrophic oil spill if we don’t stop this land grab in its tracks.
Congress and the American people need to know that opening our greatest coastlines to an invasion of oil rigs will enrich oil companies. It will pollute the air and water along our coasts. And it will lead to oil spills. The one thing it will NOT do is lower gas prices.
We need your immediate help to broadcast this message far and wide — and intensively on Capitol Hill — over the next two critical weeks.
Your donation will also help us make the case in Congress that a bold new approach to clean energy — including plug-in hybrids, electric cars, and a cleaner power grid — could allow Americans to drive at the equivalent of $1 per gallon.
So please, make an emergency contribution that will expose Bush’s lie as the corporate giveaway it is — and save our coasts from a senseless and catastrophic oil spill.
Thank you for standing with us at this crucial moment for America’s environment.
Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund