While no one wants to hear about their friends or family members getting sick with Covid-19, what most people want to avoid at all costs is their children getting sick. But with the hygiene habits of kids being questionable at best and their understanding of the risks associated with their actions being a little under developed, it’s really up to the adults in their lives to help keep them safe.
To assist you in doing this, here are three tips for helping kids stay safe during the current pandemic.
Teach And Model Safe Behavior
Whether the kids you’re around are yours or not, you’re setting an example for them by your own behaviors. Knowing this, it’s important that you teach and model safe behavior for them
According to the CDC, this behavior should include properly washing your hands for the specified amount of time, wearing a mask when required, keeping physical distance from others when possible, and prioritizing your health over your other desires. By showing impressionable kids that you’re willing to make these sacrifices, it will be easier for them to follow those guidelines as well, both when they’re with you and when they’re at school or other safe locations.
Follow Rules To Return To School
During these unprecedented times, the education of children has really needed to change. For many students and parents, this has caused a lot of stress and uncertainty. But for the social health of your kids, it’s important that they try to attend school when safe.
To ensure that this can happen for your kids, UNICEF advises that you keep in touch with your children’s school as well as the parent community so you can know what’s going on, be aware of any changes that are being implemented, and learn the rules the school is following to keep the kids safe. In many places, schools are using signage to help with social distancing and giving reminders to wash hands and wear masks, so you should encourage your kids to learn what these signs mean and abide by them.
Create Healthy and Helpful Routines
In addition to your children’s physical and social health and safety, it’s also important to take steps to maintain your kids’ mental health as well.
To do this, HealthyChildren.org suggests that you try to create healthy and helpful routines for your kids to follow each day. Especially at times where your children should be sleeping or eating, it’s best to stick to routines so that your kids have some structure and stability that they might be lacking in other areas of their life.
If you’re worried about keeping the kids in your life safe during this pandemic, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find ways to accomplish this.