If you are planning on introducing GPS tracking into your fleet of vehicles, you probably already know the benefits. GPS tracking is used in all kinds of industries around the world, but is most common in logistics and transportation, for obvious reasons. Before you start fitting tracking devices, have you thought about your drivers and other member of staff? Here are some useful tips to help you introduce GPS vehicle tracking into your fleet.
Be Honest with Employees
If you’ve already been in contact with a company representative and you’ve picked the right GPS tracking system at DTC, don’t forget to tell your drivers and other members of staff before you install the system. Many business owners forget to mention that they are fitting a tracking system to their vehicles and this can cause friction between management and other staff members. Don’t keep it a secret, gather everyone together for a meeting to let them know your plans for the future.
Show Them the Benefits
The moment you announce that the company plans on introducing a tracking system into every vehicle, you’ll be met with a mixed response. Some will immediately understand the benefits of GPS vehicle tracking while others will think it is just being put in place to spy on them. You must let them know that GPS tracking is a device that is primarily used to make their work easier and a lot safer. It will allow them to focus on their job while being directed to jobs by the GPS device. It is important to communicate what is in it for them, so remember to give a brief presentation and highlight the advantages to the driver.
- Driver safety
- Eliminate manual mileage tracking
- Safe & effective job rerouting
- Quick response in an emergency
Let them know that you are installing the GPS tracker to improve working conditions and to upgrade operational efficiency.
Educate Them on How it Works
Telematics is being used by most governments around the world. GPS tracking continues to make driving safer and save money in both the public and private sectors. Once your staff understand the benefits of tracking, the next step is to teach them how it works. Get them involved in the implementation process by asking them to play an active role in its introduction to the fleet. Show them how GPS can improve their workday.
Offer Performance Based Rewards
When you introduce GPS tracking, you’ll know a lot more about your drivers. Once they understand the system, they’ll also know you can monitor their activities throughout the day. With this in mind, make sure you introduce a system that rewards good behaviour – time off, bonuses etc.
There is no doubt that introducing GPS vehicle tracking for your commercial fleet will have huge benefits. The technology continues to improve the transportation and logistics industries making operations more effective and highly efficient. To ensure it works best, you’ll need to develop trust between management and drivers. Once they understand the benefits, they’ll embrace the technology.