With most people on lockdown, suddenly websites matter more than at any other time before. When the only visibility you have is virtual (office closed), you need for people to be able to find you in the World Wide Web alleys and avenues. To do that, you need keywords that relate precisely to what you offer.
A Greater Percentage of Client Buy Online
Now is a better time than any to start investing in SEO so that your company can be found through search engines. You may think that with the lockdown shortly over (or at least partially), it will matter less. But you’d be wrong to think so. Many people will continue to work from home from now on, and you’ll need to reach them in new ways. Also, buyers (individuals as well as inside companies) have gotten used to getting what they need by finding it online. There were already a good percentage of consumers that were doing their shopping on the internet, but now it will be even more.
It is time that you start working on your linkbuilding and bring your website up-to-speed by optimizing its pages. You don’t know what that means yet? You should probably talk with an SEO specialist that can explain to you how search engines work. In the meantime, here are a few things that other companies take in account to stay ahead of the competition.
Follow Your Instincts
How will people find you on the internet? They’ll go to a search engine (Google or others) and type-in what they are looking for. It can be the name of a product, a service, a software… Whatever makes more sense in their head to find what they are looking for. Your first job is to show some empathy and try to get inside your potential clients’ mind. If you were in their shoes and had to look for a product or service like yours, what would you type in the search box?
Without knowing it, you’ve just started defining your keywords. It is plural because there should be more than one. If you can’t find additional ones, talk to your partners, employees or even your family for a little brainstorming. Also, if you want to find popular keywords, Google’s keyword planner is the first place to look into. Don’t be too attracted by the most researched words. To start with, they are often overused by other websites, which already have a greater visibility than you do, which should remain true for at least a few months before you start seeing the results of your SEO campaign.
Relevancy in keywords is always the best way to go. If people are searching for a pool table to put in their living room and you choose to focus on the word “play” because it is very popular, there are great chances that even if people find your company (selling pool tables) they’ll leave immediately because that is not what they were looking for when they typed “play.” If you focus on pool tables, chances are, when you get at the top of the search engine process, when people find you, they’ll really take a look at your product before moving on or buying it!