There are so many ways which you can find online to save some money on your purchases, things such as coupon sites and blogs can really help the consumer to save big on the things that they buy. One way of saving big is using cashback websites such as Lyoness, a relatively new concept which ensures that customers can save some big money on the things that they buy. There are still many people who have yet to unlock the value of these cashback sites and in the main that is because people don’t really understand how it works. If you fall into this category then here is a quick guide about what cashback is, and how you can use it to save.
What’s It All About?
Cashback is sort of a reverse saving on the products which you buy, the cashback websites will show you a range of products which they are promoting, each will offer a different percentage or cash amount which you can claim back. For example let’s say that the cashback site is offering 20% cashback on purchases of a household cleaner which costs $4, you will buy that product at the store, then claim back 20% of the value, in this case $0.80.
How To Go About It?
In order to take advantage of these offers you will first need to go to a site such as Lyoness and sign up for an account. When you sign up for the account you do need to pay a small membership fee, usually for a year, which will give you exclusive access to the offers. This is where a cashback site differs from a coupon site, because with coupon sites you don’t need to be a member. The difference here is that the offers on a cashback site are far better than a coupon site, so it really is worth the money.
Once you have a membership browse the site to see what offers are available that you may be interested in. Once you find a product all you need to do is buy it, show proof of purchase with your receipt and then get the money credited back into your account. Some promotions will be for online purchases and if that is the case you just need to follow the link to the product, purchase it and then head back to the cashback site to get your money.
Where’s The Catch?
It certainly does sound too good to be true when you see some of the offers available on these sites but there really is no catch. The money which is credited back to you is real cash and not some credit or coupon. You can take this cash out straight to your bank account. The best part of this is that the offers are on products which you probably buy anyway, which means that you don’t have to buy extra products just to get the value.
Why not give it a try this week?