Interview request with Digital Strategist/ Women In Tech – Lift The Mystery Around Digital Literacy For Leaders
I am writing for an interview request with Clare McDowall, a digital strategist that is paving the way to teach Senior Executives the language of digital strategies.
I would like to introduce you to Clare McDowall a Toronto-based business and digital coach. She is offering a webinar Masterclass for Executives and I would like to schedule an interview with you to discuss as she puts it, “thought process and strategies required for strategic business planning and to increase a business bottom line in this digital age.” Please write or call me at 415-933-2241. Thank you. Anne Howard
Lift The Mystery Around Digital Literacy For Leaders
Masterclass for Executives Led by Clare McDowall: How To Make Online Marketing & Social Media Work For Your Business
Ever wonder how many times Business Leaders are confronted with unsuccessful digital marketing campaigns or due to lack of knowledge and resources have stayed away from the great marketing and communications opportunity that digital marketing offers companies? As an internationally renown digital and business coachClare McDowall has encountered this scenario more than she cares to count, and she has seen the opportunity and the loss suffered by organizations. Armed with tremendous know-how and the will to share it with business leaders, McDowalldecided to expand her one-on-one coaching into a far-reaching webinar.
In the spring of 2016, McDowall launched Digital Literacy for Leaders, a Masterclass for Executives to develop their strategic understanding of today’s digital marketing and communications landscape. The Masterclass teaches leaders how to protect and grow their company’s bottom line in a flexible yet structured webinar environment that provides a synopsis, homework and McDowall’s expert hand and one-on-one coaching time. McDowall said, ”The Masterclass for Executives is not about teaching professionals how to set up a Twitter account, or how to place a Facebook ad but about the thought process and strategies required for strategic business planning and to increase a business bottom line.”
The Masterclass webinar set to start in May 2016 is structured in six modules to ensure greater success and progression for the Leaders.
Who is the Masterclass best for? The webinar is perfect for all professionals who have a role to play in assessing the landscape their organization operates and communicates in, for those who are in charge of approving marketing or communications strategies and budgets and finally individuals with the responsibility for growing an organization’s revenue. The Masterclass is best suited for companies and not-for-profits ranging from the small to Fortune 500. McDowall
said, “It’s not about your job title. It is about your level of responsibility for guiding an organization into the future, if you know that you haven’t delved into the online world as much as you should, this Masterclass is for you.”
Starting in May, the modules will be delivered in a webinar on a weekly basis. The webinars fit all schedules. They are archived for review at a later date, freeing the business leader to a strict calendar. Furthermore, McDowall is available to answer questions in group chats and other communication streams.
- Missed Opportunities & Money On The Table
- The ‘Real’ Digital Landscape
- Digital Literacy: Know the Lingo
- Strategy: Your Missing Link
- Tactics, Channels, Execution
- Your Workplace: Auditing, Budgeting, Hiring, and Measurement
McDowall’s one-on-one coaching and strategy work have already helped dozens of leaders, businesses, and non-profits. With the introduction of the online Masterclass, she is taking this learning opportunity national. As an in-demand speaker and presenter, Clare has presented at national conferences, delivered online webinar training to groups of hundreds, and offered many corporate workshops and training days across Ontario.
To interview Clare McDowall and learn more about Digital Literacy for Leaders, a Masterclass for Executives, contact her publicistAnne Howard at .
Mission Statement:
To provide Digital Literacy to Leaders with the confidence and authority to make critical and strategic business decisions from a place of real understanding, allowing them to both grow their bottom line, and future-proof their business.
ABOUT Clare McDowall: LinkedIn://
Media Contact Name: Anne Howard
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Company Phone: upon request
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