Almost four months ago Kadance Creative launched Project iRadio ( The idea behind the launch was to build something that could reach people where they are. The internet. Project iRadio is the audio version of a project that Kadance Creative has been working on for a couple of years. “We’ve been very pleased with the results and are seeing tremendous growth already,” Jess Roberts, CEO, “Even though we are in the early stages of the project and many upgrades and programming changes are in the works, user adoption has been astounding.”
Project iRadio is proud to announce that in addition to locally produced shows, Nerdvana and Respawn, we have extended the line up with exclusive content from the internationally renowned DJ Luigi Logrono. Listeners can hear DJ Luigi’s mixes every weekday 11am – 1pm and from 11pm – 1am EST.
In addition to being able to hear the shows from the listen live link ( and on iTunes Radio, the team working on Project iRadio is also happy to announce that you can find both Nerdvana ( and Respawn ( on a variety of Podcatchers including iTunes, BluBrry, Stitcher, and TuneIn. DJ Luigi’s Project iRadio exclusive mixes will be available soon.
It gives us great pleasure to also announce the launch of Respawn Reviews ( Respawn Reviews provides news and reviews from around the gaming industry and is home to the Respawn Podcast and Crew. The crew’s most recent coverage of E3 2014 included a live blog and streaming coverage provided by Twitch in addition to numerous press releases and reviews. The editorial staff also covers reviews from the tech industry and will be adding opinion editorials in the near future.
Project iRadio offers entertainment, nerd/geek news coverage and opinion pieces which can be found in the Nerdvana News section at
We look forward to what the future holds for Project iRadio and Respawn Reviews. We are very lucky to have such wonderful teams in place and are very proud of the evolution of these projects.