Ultraseal International, the global leader in solutions to porosity in cast metal parts, is expanding its operations to build on its excellent track record in exporting around the world.
Five new positions are being created at its Coventry headquarters to prepare the company, which is part of Norman Hay plc, for continuing growth in sales to the automotive supply chain.
Ultraseal International recently won the 2014 Midlands Exporter of the Year title at the Midlands Business Awards.
Marketing Director Stephen Hynes said: “We are building for the future with succession planning and expanding our international sales teams ready to explore new markets.
“Ultraseal International has enjoyed year-on-year growth since the downturn four or five years ago and the appointment of these additional resources, which include new operational and support positions, will ensure that we continue to support our customers worldwide.
“We already export to over 35 markets around the world – but there is certainly room for further expansion.”
Ultraseal International has led the field for decades in the design and manufacture of Vacuum Impregnation equipment and porosity sealants that together solve the eternal problem of porosity for diecasters and foundries.
Porosity is microscopic holes that form in cast metal parts during the diecasting process. It is of particular concern to automotive manufacturers because it can create leak paths in parts, causing them to fail under pressure.
Ultraseal International pioneered the use of modern methacrylate, thermocure sealants and then pioneered recycling sealants, firstly with Ultraseal MX2™ and then its global benchmark recycling sealant Rexeal 100™.
Recycling sealants use less water, less chemicals and produce less wastewater than conventional porosity sealants, and Mr Hynes sees a growing market for recycling sealants around the world, especially in countries where water is in short supply or where regulations on the disposal of wastewater are strict.
Ultraseal International carries out all of its sealant production and Research and Development in the UK, along with the manufacture of its most sophisticated vacuum impregnation equipment.
The company also has joint ventures in China and India, an operation in Germany, the United States, an office in Japan and a network of 22 agents/distributors around the world.
To visit Ultraseal’s website click here