— DOMAINScanada.ca Inc., leading Canadian domain registrar, announces today that it will be adding new services and competitive rates with a launch of a completely new website and ordering platform in 2013. The company will be adding other Top-Level Domains (TLDs) to the services they provide, allowing clients to register and manage all their domains (.com, .net, etc.), in addition to managing traditional .ca domains. This is one of two high-demand services web professionals have been requesting. Additionally, DOMAINScananda.ca will also provide (Secure Sockets Layer) SSL certificates from all the major certificate authorities (CAs) with the launch of their new site.
Many organizations that purchase SSL certificates are not aware that these products from the industry’s leading brands are also sold through a network of resellers at prices lower than would be offered from the vendor directly.
Becoming a major competitor in the digital certificate space, DOMAINScananda.ca will offer some of the best pricing in Canada for SSL certificates from trusted vendors such as Symantec, GeoTrust, Thawte, RapidSSL and Comodo. Wildcard, UCC for Exchange Server, Extended Validation, Secure Gated Cryptography (SGC), and Code Signing Certificates will meet the needs of all web and system administrators, web developers and other Internet professionals. The new website will feature a completely new platform that will allow clients to order their digital certificates online and have the orders sent immediately to the Certificate Authority (CA) for processing and validation.
There is a large growth opportunity in this space, with all certificate authorities seeing an increase in sales year after year as the Internet continues to expand, and as Internet professionals have greater expectations of browser and transaction security. DOMAINScanada.ca Inc. will position itself for long-term growth by competing in this space. Vendor agreements will allow for pricing that is amongst the best in the industry for digital certificate resellers. With the success of their preliminary platform testing, DOMAINScanada.ca anticipates their new site to be launched in the second quarter of 2013.
About DOMAINScanada.ca Inc. – Based in Calgary, Alberta, DOMAINScanada.ca Inc. is an industry-leading Canadian domain registrar and has been CIRA certified since 2000. The new ordering platform will offer domain registration for the most popular TLDs and SSL certificates from the most recognized Certificate Authorities and provide shared web hosting on Canadian servers at the industry’s best prices.