For the second year running, Audioboo, a social network for capturing, sharing and listening to audio is inspiring its users to join the ‘Febooary’ initiative. Audioboo users can offer their thoughts on celebrations, well-known people and historical events by creating an audio clip, or ‘boo’, using the hashtag #febooary.
The month-long event encourages people to share their audio news, opinions, memories, and questions, joining a global conversation about a particular topic, such as Valentine’s Day. Themes have so far included Groundhog Day (2 February), the birthday of humanist and philosopher Sir Thomas Moore (7 February) and Inventors’ Day (11 February).
A number of Audioboo users shared their thoughts on the invention of the internet for Inventors’ Day, whilst other innovations that were discussed included the bike, phone software and the modern microchip.
Throughout the month there are a number of exciting topics for users to boo about, including:
- It’s Valentine’s Day today! Audiobooers may wish to record a loving message for their special someone, or perhaps even a modern proposal! Those who are single might want to share the worst chat up line they’ve ever heard.
- 19 February marks the birthday of Bridget Jones’ author Helen Fielding. Users might share their reviews on Fielding’s novels or reveal dating disasters bigger than those suffered by Bridget herself.
- Comedy star Lee Evans was born on 25 February, so users might be inspired to record their own original stand-up set, recite their favourite joke or join a debate about the funniest comedian, past or present.
- The Labour Party was formed in the UK on 27 February in 1900. People can boo about their memories of political history or how they feel the party has changed in the past 113 years.
Rob Proctor, Audioboo’s CEO, said: “We understand that sometimes people aren’t sure of what to record, especially if it’s their first boo, so Febooary is a fantastic opportunity for people to easily get involved in a global conversation and share their opinions. Febooary worked well last year, proving to be a fun initiative that really inspired users to join the conversation, and this year looks like it will be even more successful.
“Audioboo is a social podcasting platform for the next generation, already used by thousands around the world. Audioboo is also hugely popular as a social network for the blind, and we’re delighted to bring visually impaired and sighted communities together in an innovative way.”
In order to sign up or listen to the wide range of Febooary content, simply visit and search for the hashtag #Febooary. To see the full list of daily themes, visit the Audioboo blog –