The Copyright Enforcement Group (CEG) today announced that its portfolio has expanded to over 10,000 copywritten titles. CEG will protect and monetize all 10,000 titles across peer-to-peer protocols (P2P), user-generated content sites (UGC) and websites 24/7/365. All titles are enrolled in CEG’s flagship Peer to Peer Collect Service. The service allows content owners to monetize peer-to-peer (P2P) activity and realize revenues from an unexpected source: internet piracy. Infringers are continuously tracked every hour of every day. Those identified as sharing copyrighted content will automatically receive a “pre-settlement” offer by email and can settle and purchase legitimate goods via Copyright Enforcement Group’s collections website at
About Peer to Peer Collect
CEG’s Peer to Peer Collect Service follows a three step process:
Step 1 – Upload & Track: Content is uploaded to the tracking system and monitored across multiple peer-to-peer protocols 24/7/365. When an infringement occurs, evidence is collected and placed in a queue for authentication.
Step 2 – Authenticate & Notify: Infringement evidence passes a strict multi-stage process involving fingerprinting and visual authentication to virtually eliminate false positives. After authentication, pre-settlement notices are automatically generated and emailed to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and individual infringers.
Step 3 – Enforce & Collect: Infringers receive a notice via email that directs them to CEG’s branded collections website at The website allows a “pre-settlement” offer via paying a fine or purchasing goods.
Once a settlement is paid or goods are purchased the infringer is released from liability and the amount is split between the copyright owner and Copyright Enforcement Group. If an infringer doesn’t pay the settlement or ignores the notice CEG’s in-house legal team takes over until a settlement is realized.
Multiple Settlement Options for Infringers
CEG’s solutions are designed to offer infringers fair and practical settlement options while giving copyright owners the opportunity to realize revenues that would have otherwise been lost to digital piracy. offers infringers a myriad of options when compared to traditional copyright enforcement agencies. Options include monetary fines, hard goods purchases (DVDs, CDs, Books, etc.) and digital content purchases (video files, audio files, ebooks, etc.) at price points that are drastically less than traditional direct to litigation methods. In addition, infringers can remain anonymous and protect their privacy.
About Copyright Enforcement Group
Copyright Enforcement Group (CEG) is the gold standard in content protection and monetization. Protection and monetization services cover all types of content including audio, video, image, logo, trademark and text across peer-to-peer protocols (P2P), user-generated content sites (UGC) and websites. CEG’s end-to-end solutions are designed to help content owners maximize coverage, minimize copyright & trademark infringements and realize revenues that would have otherwise been lost to digital piracy.