Support American Troops By Reading Their Stories Of What’s Going On In Iraq On
Folsom-CA(rushprnews)04/23/2006 – For most of the past three years, American has been lead to believe that America has been losing the war in Iraq. Certainly, there are major problems in Iraq, but Coalition troops are making a big difference. Iraqis are also defending their own country and don’t want the coalition to leave, at least not until they can protect themselves.
Americans and other coalition soldiers are building the Iraqi army and police force, as well as building confidence and friendship. Every day, they build schools, police stations, water treatment plants, power generation systems, roads, buildings and other infrastructure.
Most of theses positive stories are written by reporters who are there on the ground, who report the news rather than editorializing it. These stories on are written by soldiers on the ground.
The families of the soldiers already know this. These news stories can be found on
Every day, Iraqis gain confidence in themselves and help their police, the Iraqi Army and coalition troops want a country that is more secure. This week, there was a story of American and Iraqi soldiers hosting a meeting of local sheiks, north of Baghdad. These sheiks – Sunnis and Shia’a had never worked together before and now they are working together to secure their own area.
Support American troops and Iraqis by reading their stories at These stories will help readers counter the false claim that Americans are losing and that the war is a lost cause – this simply isn’t true.
Also read about these stories:
Iraqi Villagers Find Weapons Caches for Iraqi Army, Delta Company
Soldiers Work to Provide Iraqis with More Water Treatment Plants
Alpha Company Sees Iraqi Police Progress
Red Cross Volunteer Loves Her Work In Iraq
by clicking the link “Support Our Troops, Read Their Stories”
Alan Gray
705-2 E.Bidwell St #213
Folsom, CA 95630
PHONE. 916 608 4271