HOLLYWOOD, CA (RushPRnews) 13/11/08 — Gay marriage was cleared by a judge in Connecticut this morning, creating lines to tie the knot with lovers. New Haven Superior Court Judge Jonathan Silbert ruled at a brief hearing Wednesday morning that gay and lesbian couples can pick up marriage license forms at clerks’ offices statewide.
However, the quick nuptials could be repealed by voters next time at the boxes, as happened in California. Florida and Arizona also turned down same sex marriages in last week’s voting. Yet already 250,000 gays have pledged to turn out over all 50 states to see the Proposition 8 ban on gay marriage. Conservative opponents have yet to announce plans, but were well-funded and extremely effective during key voting periods with fear-style TV ads.
There are parades and rallies in all 50 states planned for Nov. 15 at 1:30 EST and 10:30 PST in what organizers say will be the largest organized protest movement since the Civil Rights Movement. Signs, posters and numerous websites have already been created and the word is spreading quickly throughout the nation. Jointheimpact.com lists protest locations in all 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Why this wasn’t done before the elections isn’t clear, though the efficacy of anti-gay marriage groups were heard by voters loudly. They used the scare tactic of small children being taught about homosexuality in schools, which worried straight parents otherwise ok about gay marriage.
According to issue spokespersons, over the last several days, tens of thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and their supporters have taken to the streets of California to show their outrage with the passage of CA Proposition 8. Prop 8 provides for a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage rights. Similar amendments and propositions have been passed in AZ and FL.
The passage of these propositions has angered the gay community and their supporters. Many
feel as if they are now second-class citizens in a country that has seen that change can happen
with this historical election. They do not feel that a majority should be able to vote on minorities’
rights or vote to take anyone’s rights away.
Hollywood Today’s Op-ed comment: This is a civil rights issue, not a gay issue or a religious one. Let them marry. Gays should have the same rights to marriage misery as everyone does. And wait till they get to the pricey divorces, lol. Be careful what you wish for…
Source: Hollywood Today
Photo: Judith Orr